Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cassie, You're the best!

Seriously, I would not have made it without this selfless girl who dropped everything when I came sobbing downstairs because my flight out of Eugene was cancelled and I had to rush to the airport 2 hours early. Little did she know she was getting herself into a crazy adventure to rush to the Portland Airport and get me on another flight there! More details from my CRAZY day later.. Thanks again so much Cassie! You are wonderful and I am so thankful for you!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

beach adventures

Today I'm not feeling too well and I'm dreaming of the coast and everything that is not studying for this final and finishing this paper. A year ago, we were all planning our beach camping trip! Oh, how far we've come! I cannot wait for more exploring and other adventures..

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My floating dreams..

Someday, we'll live in the sky...
So there's just a ton going on right now and I have not been getting to draw everyday (surprise, surprise). Fear not! The beauty of the project is there are no dates on each drawing, so it just says "Day 2" or "Day 4" which equates less guilt for me! Today, I just wanted to make something fun! I guess what I'm thankful for is dreams and whimsical hopes for the future! Take care, friends. We're going to survive this!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Thankfulness Project!

(I'm going to need to come up with better titles for these posts!) But here are days 3, 4 & 5! These have been so much fun to make AND its been really encouraging to hear that maybe this is inspiring people out that! Always a plus!

On Day 4, I got to do a lot of printing (10 hours of it!!) for my letterpress class and I loved it!
For once, my organized, calculative side was useful for my creativity!Day5_washersdryers

I'll probably post these every couple days, but you can keep up with them all here if you'd like!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thankfulness Project!

I decided I wanted to practice drawing on the computer and remember all the things I'm thankful for! And thus: The Thankfulness Project!
