Monday, August 30, 2010


I forgot to put this one up yesterday! This man was just hanging out at the Urquhart Ruins with his dogs. And I was brave and asked if I could take his photograph!
Man and Sheepdogs
Hopeman Beach. Right next to our Bed and Breakfast! It seems strangely like the Oregon Coast. Gusty Winds and pretty cold. And uncommon blue skies just make you smile..
Hopeman BeachHopeman Beach
We spent Sunday at Lossiemouth where there was a Fair and a Raft race.
Strange stuff but adorable...
Lossiemouth FairLossiemouth FairLossiemouth FairLossiemouth
I LOVE this kids expression! I am obviously very weird.
LossiemouthLossiemouth RaceLossiemouthLossiemouthLossiemouth Fair

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